[Bska] October Rising Sun results

John McLeod john at pagat.com
Fri Nov 4 08:35:00 EST 2005

On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Nick Wedd <nick at maproom.co.uk> wrote:
>This spreadsheet lists errors made in the scoring.  There were sixteen 
>of these, which is not unusual.  Unfortunately, one of them was 
>particularly large and serious, and was entirely due to the 
>incompetence of the tournament organiser, myself.  When table 3 handed 
>in their scoresheet for session three, it clearly showed that Jonathan 
>Norris had a raw score of 472, and 450 for nine games won, making 922. 
>However I recorded his total score as 450 instead of 922.

Although we normally let all errors stand, on the basis that players at 
a table are jointly responsible for scoring correctly, and they 
shouldn't have signed the sheet if they weren't happy with the score on 
it, this situation is rather different.

It's not reasonable to expect the players to check that the director is 
recording the scores correctly, though they can if they want to and some 
of them sometimes do.

Although we can't alter the prize allocation retrospectively, the 
director may feel that he owes certain people a drink or two. Also, I 
think that the rating sheet *should* be revised to correct this one 
mistake. Just adjusting the match points doesn't quite mend things, 
since with correct scoring Jonathan would have had a harder draw in 
round 4, while others might have had a slightly easier draw, but it's 
the best we can reasonably do, I think.

So unless there is any disagreement, I will recalculate the ratings to 
reflect the corrected match points: 8 more for Jonathan Norris and 2 
fewer for Bernard Forster, Patrick Cherlet, and John McLeod.
John McLeod                      For information on card games visit
john at pagat.com                   http://www.pagat.com/

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