[Bska] pictures, etc., from September Rising Sun event

Nick Wedd nick at maproom.co.uk
Thu Sep 21 07:16:41 EDT 2006

Some pictures from the September Rising Sun event
and an Excel spreadsheet detailing all the deals and contracts
are now available on the British Skat Association web site.  Both were
created to Patrick Phair, whom I would like to thank for his work.

Looking over the hands, I am convinced that our overall standard of play
has improved.  Something that is easy to check for, is declarers who
choose the wrong trump suit, and fail in their contract as a result.
This used to be frequent, but I can find only one example from this

When choosing trumps, from among suits that are worth enough to meet
your bid, your first criterion should be a long suit, your second, a
suit lacking the ace.  In session 3 deal 2, middlehand won the bidding
with a bid of 22 at three of the tables.  After picking up the skat, he
  Unders    H D
  Clubs     A K 9
  Hearts    A Q 8
  Diamonds  K Q 9 7
Two declarers chose as trumps the four-card suit lacking the ace:  both
made the contract.  One chose a three-card suit with the ace, and
deservedly failed.

But this kind of decision is now much rarer, indicating a generally
higher standard of play.

Nick Wedd    nick at maproom.co.uk

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