[Bska] next Synchron Skat event in London

Nick Wedd nick at maproom.co.uk
Tue May 15 12:45:09 EDT 2007

The British Skat Association's next synchron skat event will be on 
Saturday May 26th, in The Plough, Museum Street, London.
N.B.  Saturday
N.B.  Plough
We haven't had a Saturday event in the Plough before, and I expect this 
one will be a great success.

Not far along Museum Street, north of The Plough, is "Playin Games", a 
shop selling board and card games.  You can see how near it is from this 

If you plan to attend, there are two things you have to do in advance:
Tell me, as soon as possible and preferably by email, that you will be 
coming.  This is so that I can know how many prizes to prepare, and so 
that I can warn the pub how many of us to expect.
On the day of the event, confirm that you will be coming.  You can do 
this either by turning up in The Plough before 11:15, or by ringing my 
mobile: 07890 998884

There are details of the event, and a link to a map showing how to get 
there, at file:///C:/data/weddslist/skat/ploughnw.html

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday 26th,
Nick Wedd    nick at maproom.co.uk

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