[Bska] Congratulations Uwe and John

MikeTob at aol.com MikeTob at aol.com
Mon Oct 26 08:18:07 EDT 2009

We had a different style of tournament yesterday with hands being dealt  
normally at the tables instead of our usual synchron  format.
Two performances stand out:-
Uwe Greiner recovered from over 400 points behind in the final session to  
win the tournament and John McLeod earned the prize for the hand won  
against the most matadors with this spectacular effort.
Clubs    A,8,7
Spades  A,10
Hearts  7
Diamonds A,K,Q,7
Skat  C10, D10
Picking up the Skat and returning CA and DA , he led the two 10s followed  
by the A,10 of spades, capturing enough points to make Hearts without 10.   
Interestingly it would have won even if he'd played the game from the hand. 
Other prizes were won by Oliver Pogrzeba, Joe Elleson and Jackie  Damant
I'll post more detailed scores in the next couple of days.
Mike Tobias
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