[Bska] Hand records from our January Duplikat event

Nick Wedd nick at maproom.co.uk
Tue Feb 8 07:35:42 EST 2011

The hand records from our January event are now available at
http://www.weddslist.com/skat/results/yc16/hands.xls thanks to Patrick 

I see that, for 15 of the 84 deals, the result was identical at all 
three tables.  This is higher than I have noticed in the past; maybe 
players are getting better.

But one hand struck me as odd.  Vorhand, holding
   J   C H
   C   K Q
   S   K
   H   K 9
   D   9 8 7
became declarer, and unsurprisingly, failed in his contract.  Why would 
anyone bid on that?  I can only guess that someone else said "18", and 
he responded "yes" before looking at his hand.

Nick Wedd    nick at maproom.co.uk

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