[casual_games] Game resolution

Andy Makely rendermouse at gmail.com
Fri Apr 21 12:19:54 EDT 2006

On 4/21/06, Jonas Beckeman <list at jobe.nu> wrote:
> Is the above true even with Flash 8's bitmap caching used wisely? I don't
> use Flash and I haven't seen any benchmarks on 8's animation speed, but I
> though it was pretty good these days.
> /Jonas

The bitmap caching works great in certain cases when the art in a
sprite/movieclip doesn't change, such as background tiles.  If you have a
lot of moving sprites with animation frames, the caching is practically
useless, since it has to recache the bitmaps whenever a movieclip's timeline
advances frames.

There are more advanced techniques to try, such as using bitmap blitting to
render frames of a sprite to the screen instead of drawing the original
movieclip on the stage and animating it.  Flash copies chunks of bitmaps
VERY quickly.  Also using the scrollRect property of a movieclip can
dramatically increase the speed of a scrolling background.

In the end, though, Flash 8 does not do a good enough job of optimizing what
parts of the screen get updated every frame, and it often redraws areas
larger than necessary.  In my opinion, this is the main reason why it
doesn't perform as well at higher resolutions.

andy makely
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