[casual_games] Re: PopCap developer needed urgently

Matthew Ford matthew at fordfam.com
Wed Feb 8 20:12:34 EST 2006

This may be the most unhelpful contribution in the history of this list...
but I could swear that somewhere I saw a tip about how to play a MIDI file
in Flash. Something about creating an empty sound clip that then somehow
points to the MIDI; the MIDI is not imported into the swf but is accessed by
It's on the Internet somewhere so that should help narrow your search. :)
Something tells me I saw it in the ActionScript 2.0 forum on Macromedia's
site. In any case a quick ask there or on FlashGeek or the like may dig it
up or prove that I dreamed it. Apologies in advance if it's a goose chase.


- Flash 8 (the most recent version) does not support MIDI playback of any
kind.  You can convert your MIDI files to MP3, at the expense of your file
size.  You might also be able to build a custom C++ wrapper that encloses
your Flash movie, and perhaps get MIDI playback working via the C++
libraries, but it's probably not worth the effort. 

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