[casual_games] TOW: Relatability

Sheri Rubin sheri at designdirectdeliver.com
Mon Apr 30 14:18:42 EDT 2012

Hi All,

It's time for another topic of the week discussion. This time on:

*/One of the key points when deciding on character design can be how
relatable do you want the character to be, even if it's say an alien or
an imaginary animal. Relatability can really affect how much your player
can enjoys playing your game as that Player Character and how much
they'll get invested emotionally as things happen to that player
character or even to the "sidekicks" and other NPCs in the world.
/**/What do you think makes a good game character so relatable to you as
a player? /*/*What game character have you most identified with? Why? *
As always, if you have additional topics or suggestions please send them
along to me at sheri at designdirectdeliver.com.

Stay awesome!

*Sheri Rubin*
Founder and CEO

*Design Direct Deliver*
Website: http://www.designdirectdeliver.com
Email: sheri at designdirectdeliver.com <mailto:sheri at designdirectdeliver.com>
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