[game_edu] CFP

S. Gold goldfile at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 19:47:52 EDT 2008

EXTENDED DEADLINE - CFP - SBGAMES 2008 - Computing Track
Sorry for duplicates
Please distribute this CFP to interested colleagues and students.

*** FULL PAPERS - Computing ***
*** TECHNICAL POSTERS - Computing ***

>>> Computing Track <<<


:::: August 18, 2008 ::::

Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil
10-12 November, 2008


SBGAMES Conference

SBGames is the main event on game research and development
in Latin America. Promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC)
with the support of the Brazilian Electronic Game Development
Companies Association (ABRAGAMES), the symposium brings together
students, professors, artists, designers and professionals from
several universities, research centers and game industry.

This is the seventh edition of SBGames and in its current format,
the symposium is composed by 4 main tracks (Computing, Art & Design,
Industry and Games & Culture), 2 festivals (Independent Games and
Art Exhibition), tutorials, keynote presentations, and some satellite
events such as the Game School and the Microsoft Academic Days on
Game Development in Computer Science Education.

In 2008, the symposium will be held in Belo Horizonte - MG,
from November 10th to 12th. The event will be co-organized by the
Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas) and
the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).

SBGames 2008 WebSite:
Complementary information about past editions can be found at:


The Computing track presents full papers (oral presentation), technical
posters and tutorials. Choose among the different available tracks which
one is most adequate to submit your work -
https://submissoes.sbc.org.br/sbgames2008 (all tracks).

You are invited to submit your work to the COMPUTING TRACK of SBGames
2008. For a list of possible topics see below.

Submitted papers of up to 10 pages should be formatted according to the
SBGames publication guidelines (up to 4 pages for Technical Poster).
Formatting instructions, LaTeX macros and MSWord templates are available
below. MSWord: http://www.inf.pucminas.br/sbgames08/Model_SBGames.doc
LaTeX: http://www.inf.pucminas.br/sbgames08/sbgames-latex-template.zip
Electronic submission: https://submissoes.sbc.org.br/home.cgi?c=737

All contributions must be original, unpublished work and should not
exceed 10 pages (4 pages for Technical Poster). Papers may be written in
English or Portuguese, but preferably in English. Any work that has
previously been published or simultaneously been submitted in
substantially similar form to any other conference or journal will be

For research work which is not yet mature enough we suggest to submit to
the Technical Posters track of SBGames.

**** ATTENTION ****

Anonymous submissions (double blind review) should be made
electronically through the SBC JEMS online submission system:

https://submissoes.sbc.org.br/home.cgi?c=737 (Full Papers)
https://submissoes.sbc.org.br/home.cgi?c=738 (Technical Posters)

Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings, and at least one
author must be registered, attend and present the work at the

>>> NEW THIS YEAR! The authors of the best papers will be invited by the

editors of the ACM CIE to submit an extended version of their papers to
be published in the ACM Computers in Entertainment:
http://www.acm.org/pubs/cie.html Alternatively, it will be also possible
to submit the best papers to the IJCGT - International Journal of
Computer Games Technology, published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation:

The detailed instructions for authors and the process of submission are
available at http://www.inf.pucminas.br/sbgames08/

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Affective computing
* Architectures, engines, and design patterns
* Artificial Intelligence
* Augmented Reality
* Camera techniques
* Computer Animation
* Computer Graphics
* Console programming
* Dedicated hardware
* Development process and tools
* Emergence Response Simulation
* Emotional agents
* Facial expressions
* Feature Film Techniques in games
* Games in Education
* HDR techniques
* Human-computer Interfaces
* Image processing
* Image-based rendering and modeling
* Intelligent game audio
* Interactive and 3D sound
* Interactive digital TV
* Interface hardware
* Lighting techniques
* Massive Multiplayer Games
* Mobile computing
* Models and Infrastructure for networked games
* Parallel Processing CPU-GPU
* Physical modeling
* Procedural modeling
* Programming techniques
* Realistic physics
* Serious games systems
* Storytelling
* Video processing
* Video-based rendering
* Virtual reality

Topics addressing game design (including specific-style games, graphics
and sound), as well as digital art, should be submitted to Arts&Design
track, which is also part of SBGames. Papers related to Games and
Education/Culture can be submitted to the Game and Culture Track and the
Microsoft Academic Days on Game Development in Computer Science


>> Conference Chairs

* Luiz Chaimowicz (UFMG) - chaimo <at> dcc. ufmg. br
* Rosilane Mota (PUC-Minas) - rosilaner.mota <at> gmail. com

>> Computing Track Chairs

* Chair: Fernando Osório (USP-ICMC) - fosorio <at> icmc. usp. br
* Local chair: Zenilton Patrocínio Jr. (PUC-Minas) - zenilton <at>
pucminas. br

>> Computing Technical Posters

* Chair: Cesar Pozzer (UFSM) - pozzer <at> inf. ufsm. br
* Local chair: Wallace Lages (UFMG/ILUSIS) - wlages <at> ufmg. br


Submission Deadline: August 18, 2008 (Monday)

Submission Deadline: August 20, 2008 (Wednesday)


UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
PUC-Minas - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais

SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - http://www.sbc.org.br/
ABRAGAMES - Associação Brasileira das Desenvolvedoras de
Jogos Eletrônicos - http://www.abragames.org/

Microsoft - http://www.microsoft.com/
Google - http://www.google.com/
Vetta Labs - http://www.vettalabs.com/


Susan Gold
goldfile at gmail.com

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
Oscar Wilde

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