[game_edu] GDC

S. Gold goldfile at gmail.com
Sun Feb 24 19:59:21 EST 2008

Wow, what a week. So much goes on at GDC it is very hard to go through
everything, but I will highlight the Education Summit for all of you unable
at attend. First, we had two days of incredible programming. Thank you
Derric Clark for an incredible job, putting together session from what was a
crazy brainstorming session almost a year ago.

I tried to hop between both tracks at the summit, they were both packed with
interesting speakers, great discussions and a lot of information. The
all-around high-point for me were the student presentations during the IGF
Student Winner Post-Mortem's. One, hearing what they had to say and seeing
their excitement was hard to describe. Besides a few industry folks, I
spotted a few CAA talent agents in our audience. The fact that one of our
student presenters was the Seumas McNally Grand Prize winner was an
incredible achievement. (Not that I want other students dropping out of
school to finish their game, but can we all say... Woot!). I wish the best
to all of the students and their futures and I thank them for participating.
For those of you who did not get a chance to see their talks, you can
definitely go check out their games at:
http://www.igf.com/02finalists.html#student (also make your students check
it out as well). Thank you to all of students and for those of you who are
coming next year, we will be doing this again next year.

I loved our keynotes, especially Ian Bogost's comments about
interdisciplinary... I will never use that word again. I loved hearing
Warren Spector, one of the greatest game designers say, wow, teaching was a
lot harder than he thought. I loved all of the energy in Ann DeMarle's
session on reaching out to industry. Now I know these comments are not
helpful to you, so we will be putting as much of the info from the the
summit onto to the wiki as soon as we can.

The biggest news of course is the release of the NEW and IMPROVED IGDA
Curriculum Framework (version 3.2 ­ still beta). We had so many
contributors, both academic and industry. A huge thanks to Yusuf Pisan who
took all of those contributions and made it cohesive with a single voice,
and incredible feat and a tremendous job. Check out the link on our blog:
http://www.igda.org/education/. You can also see Robin Burke's thought's on
our next steps, creating core experiences/outcomes of the framework:

On a personal note, I want to thank the IGDA for the honor of naming me MVP
to organization. I do what I do for the Education SIG out of my passion for
community, collaboration and the infinite possibilities of what we can
achieve together. I did not do this by myself, I have an incredible
leadership team: Toby Barnes, Derric Clark, Beth Aileen Dillon, Tracy
Fullerton, Dan Hodgson, Darius Kazemi, Stephen Jacobs, Magy Seif El Nasr,
Darren Torpey... a great advisory board: Rob Catto, Doug Church, Mark
DeLoura, Robin Hunicke, Katherine Isbister, Katie Salen, Warren Spector and
Eric Zimmerman and a great executive director Jason Della Rocca. I could not
have done it without their support, advice and valuable time. Thank you IGDA
for the recognition, it has been my pleasure.

Susan Gold
goldfile at gmail.com

³In a completely sane world, madness is the only freedom!² - J. G. Ballard

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