[game_edu] CFP

S. Gold goldfile at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 15:08:47 EDT 2008

Workshop on Design for social interaction through physical play at
International Conference on Fun and Games
Wednesday October 22, 2008
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Emilia Barakova, e.i.barakova at tue.nl
Tilde Bekker, m.m.bekker at tue.nl
Janienke Sturm, j.sturm at tue.nl

Advancements in technology determine several trends in today's society that
pose serious threats to social interaction. At present, more people interact
through media and less in a face-to-face manner. Another trend is that
people lead less active lifestyles. At the same time, new technologies
provide novel entertainment and interaction opportunities. We aim to combine
these trends and explore the opportunities that technology-driven physical
play offers for enhancing and stimulating real social interaction (as
opposed to virtual interaction through a computer). This can be beneficial
for diverse reasons: For children to counter the trend of playing computer
games and watching television on their own, for elderly to socialize more
when making new contacts becomes more difficult and for autistic children
because they particularly like technological toys. The main goal of the
workshop is to share information and experiences among researchers in the
area of social interaction through physical play. We invite position papers
addressing social and physical issues including (but not restricted to) the
following fields:

- Social robotics
- Design for diverse user groups, such as children and elderly
- Social games
- Creative toolkits
- Exertion interfaces
- Pervasive and head-up games
- Embodied facilitation
- Spatial and tangible interaction

Paper contributions should be submitted by email to one of the organizers.
Papers should be 4-6 pages in PDF format LNCS style. Contributions will be
reviewed by an international program committee. Accepted papers will be
included in the workshop notes (with ISBN number), distributed at the
workshop, and published on the workshop's web site. The organizing committee
intends to organize a special issue in an international journal. Workshop
participants are required to also register for the main conference.

Program Committee
Nadia Berthouze, University College London, UK
Adrian David Cheok, National University of Singapore
Kerstin Dautenhahn, University of Hertfordshire, UK
Berry Eggen, TU/e, The Netherlands
Loe Feijs, TU/e, The Netherlands
Newton Fernando, National University of Singapore
Ole Sejer Iversen, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Narcis Peres, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Matthias Rauterberg, TU/e, The Netherlands
Ben Robins, University of Hertfordshire, UK

Important dates

September 1, 2008: Deadline paper submission
September 22, 2008: Notification of acceptance
September 29, 2008: Deadline final version
October 22, 2008: Workshop

Susan Gold
goldfile at gmail.com

³In a completely sane world, madness is the only freedom!² - J. G. Ballard

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