[game_edu] Where to post academic job offers?

"José P. Zagal" jp at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Mar 20 10:02:19 EDT 2008

Mark Baldwin wrote:


> And what I keep coming up with are two fields. The first is TV and

> Film, and the second is Literature. Certainly, I cannot imagine how

> computer science or graphic art would qualify an individual to teach

> game design.

Well, if an important aspect of game design is understanding processes
and systems, then it isn't far fetched to make the association with
computer science - which is also essentially about understanding and
specifying processes.

I do agree however that experience designing games, playing games,
reading about games, are essential. You'd be surprised at the number of
people who "teach games", but don't actually play any themselves.

José Pablo Zagal
Georgia Institute of Technology
jp at cc.gatech.edu - http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~jp

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