[game_edu] FW: Games Art Networking Event 2008

S. Gold goldfile at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 19:07:08 EDT 2008

Susan Gold
goldfile at gmail.com

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
Oscar Wilde

------ Forwarded Message
From: Corrado Morgana <corradomorgana at BLUEYONDER.CO.UK>
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 15:51:39 +0100
Subject: Games Art Networking Event 2008

Games Art Networking Event 2008

HTTP Gallery, Saturday 25th October, 12 - 6pm

Games Art does exactly what it says on the tin; art that uses, abuses and
misuses the materials and language of games, whether real world,
electronic or both.

The Games Art networking event will bring together artists, gamers,
hackers, theorists, curators, activists, thinkers and doers all of kind.
People who work and play with games, videogames and playful practice.

What Will Happen?

The event will kicks off with presentations by Corrado Morgana, Tassos
Stevens (Coney), Ruth Gibson and Bruno Martelli (igloo), Holly Gramazio
and Daphne Dragona, followed by discussion.

Refreshments follow, and we'll encourage you all to take part in an
informal show and tell, so bring along some representation of your work,
websites, objects, prototypes, whatever you have (within reason!) We will
round off the event with an open mic session of quickfire
presentations; present your own or other's work, offer services and
skills to other projects or make a request for help with getting stuff

Part of the London Games Fringe, a festival of alternative gaming events
at the end of October 2008, organised by artists, academics, gamers, game
developers, educators and creative professionals from a wide range of
different media: www.londongamesfringe.com.

Please RSVP
Because of limited space we can only accommodate 40 visitors for this
event. Please book your place- first come, first served. Projectors and
wireless access to the Internet will be provided, please let us know if
you have any other special requirements.
To find out more and book your place please email Lauren at furtherfield.org.

When and where?

Saturday 25th October 2008, 12-6pm

HTTP Gallery
Unit A2 Arena Design Centre,
71 Ashfield Road, N4 1NY
Tel +44 20 8802 2827

For maps and information about getting to HTTP

More about the presentations

Games Art Curating it and Making it
Corrado Morgana, artist, electronic musician (retired) and researcher,
will present his curatorial work with HTTP Gallery on the recent Zero
Gamer and Game/Play exhibitions. He will also be presenting on his own
practice which involves transgressive, emergent and glitch behaviour
whilst utilizing game engine technologies. His recent work CarnageHug
uses the Unreal Tournament 2004 engine to much gibbage and digital
purposelessness. He will discuss how it came to be produced, it's
implications as a piece of software art, the 'derivative work' and the
value of faffing, fiddling, pootling and noodling.

Big Ball Bingo
Tassos Stevens from Coney will present their new 'future sport', Big Ball
Bingo, a big outdoor event with a futuristic feel, commissioned by Lift
and the Shoreditch Festival for Shoreditch people to play on Olympic
Handover Day. This game is made from three connected components, a big
ball game, a bingo game, and a very big ball game, and was
developed through engagement with local community groups who already
played these kinds of games. In advance of the Ballpark, Coney operated a
fictional agency, Shoreditch Futures, run by time travellers from the
year 2068 who were seeking the seed event of a future catastrophe by
gathering stories of Shoreditch past and present from local people. How
and why and what then happened will be revealed... More about Big Ball

Bruno Martelli and Ruth Gibson, London-based artists, working together as
igloo will be presenting their site-responsive work SwanQuake:House which
is currently exhibited at V22 basement. Through re-purposing media tools
and combining them with re-modeled household objects, House simulates and
reconfigures representations of an east-end underworld. The artists
manipulate the space between the actual and the imaginary providing a
counterpoint via the human form. Their practice is concerned with
recreating environments and systems where coding joins hands with
choreographies of the body. The exhibition is accompanied by a
publication SwanQuake: the user manual.

Pervasive Cheating
Holly Gramazio will be talking about Pervasive Cheating. Games that run
in the real world - whether you call them pervasive games, street games,
urban games, or anything else - can come up against a few particularly
awkward problems. Cars that can genuinely run people over, for one;
unreliable weather, for another; and loopholes in the game world that
it's really, really hard to close. Is there any way to stop people
cheating at pervasive games? What counts as cheating - and do the
cheating players agree? In a world filled with taxis, telephones, and
GPS, is there any point in making rules about the technology that players
are allowed to use, once they're out of your sight? How do players cheat,
and how does it affect the experience of the game, both for them and for
everyone else?

Daphne Dragona is an independent new media arts curator and organiser,
based in Athens with a special interest in the game arts field. She has
been programme curator of Gaming Realities (Medi at terra, Athens, 2006),
associate curator of Gameworld (Laboral, Gijon, 2007) and co-curator of
Homo Ludens Ludens (Laboral, Gijon, 2008). She will be talking about how
we define play today? What's the role of play in a world that is itself a
gamespace? As the game industry becomes richer and richer and a game art
scene is growing parallel to it, questions arise regarding play's real
presence which seems to be under a process of continuous
institutionalisation and commodification. Can we be critical about the
projects, the exhibitions and the events we organise?
Interview with Daphne Dragona about Homo Ludens Ludens



12- 12.30 - Meet-up
Arrive, meet and chat over refreshments

12.30 - 2.30 - Presentations and discussion

2.30 - 4.30 - Break and Many to Many' Show and Tell - refreshments and
informal 'many to many' show and tell. All guests are invited to share
their work and ideas with each other using HTTP/Furtherfield resources:
projectors, computers, walls, tables and outdoors spaces.

4.30 - 5.30 - Open mike session - Final 'one to many' presentations.
Guests sign up for 5 minute spots to present their own or others' work or
to offer or request collaboration.

5.30 - 6.00 - Round up sum up, final discussion, end, thank yous and
good-byes, off to the pub!!

Who are HTTP?

HTTP is the Gallery arm of online media arts organisation
Furtherfield.org. HTTP have been involved with curating Games Art
practice for several years having presented lat years. 'Zero Gamer' as
part of the London Games Festival Fringe and the previous years touring
exhibition 'Game/Play' which explored playful interaction and
goal-oriented gaming explored through media arts practice. The
associated publication featured over 20 contributions from writers,
journalists and critics and was reported upon worldwide in media arts


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