[game_edu] Reminder: CFP due 3/16: Graduate Student Conference- TCETC 2009: Technology, Media, and Designs for Learning

Carla (Engelbrecht) Fisher carlaeng at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 14:53:32 EDT 2009

Just a reminder that paper proposals are due Monday, 3/16 for the Teachers
College Educational Technology Conference.

Please feel free to post or pass on to graduate students. Thanks! *

Call for Papers*

The Communication, Computing, and Technology in Education Program at
Teachers College invites submissions for its 2009 Educational Technology
Conference, "TCETC 2009: Technology, Media, and Designs for Learning."

This conference will serve as a multi-disciplinary forum for graduate
students to discuss and exchange information on the research, development
and applications of emerging technologies in K-12 classrooms, distance
learning settings, higher education, and corporate learning environments.

TCETC 2009 will take place at Teachers College, Columbia University, in New
York City on May 10-11, 2009. Papers exploring topics such as the following
are encouraged. The topic list is illustrative rather than comprehensive; we
encourage papers presenting completed research and works-in-progress on
other related topics.

- Instructional Design of Online Environments
- Social Software, Web 2.0 Tools
- Human-Computer Interaction, Computer-Mediated Communication, Mobile
- Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
- Games for Learning, Possibilities of Virtual Worlds
- New Literacies, Identify Formation, the Future of Libraries and Museums

- Cross-Cultural Communication
- Media in the Developing World
- Teaching with Technology, including teaching Science, Math, Computer
Science, & Computer Science Education

*Submission Guidelines

- Papers must be completely authored by current graduate students.
- Abstracts (in English) of no more than 500-1000 words must be uploaded
to the conference website
- The deadline for submission is 11:59 EST on *Monday, March 16, 2009*.
First authors will be notified by April 3, 2009.
- Abstracts should summarize the proposed presentation in a way that
permits evaluation of the paper's quality and significance. The committee
will consider:

1) the paper's appeal to research communities interested in instructional
media and emerging communication tools;

2) the paper's suitability for oral presentation; and

3) the quality of the content and significance of results.

- The conference website will prompt you to include the paper title,
presenter's name(s), institutional affiliation(s) and email address(es) of
the author(s). In addition, please include a biographical statement for each
author of no more than 100 words. If your paper is accepted, this statement
may be posted to the conference website and included in the program.

Confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the entire review
process; all rejected submissions will be kept confidential. Accepted
abstracts will be posted to the conference website. Presenters will have the
opportunity to revise their abstracts and post them no later than April 20,
2009. Participation in this conference does not preclude submission of that
work to other academic conferences.

Exceptional conference presenters may be asked to submit full papers to
appear in a publication of conference proceedings.

Feel free to contact the conference Chairs, Marion Goldstein and Antonios
Saravanos, with questions or for more information. Please also monitor the
conference website at http://events.tc.columbia.edu/tcetc2009/ for
information regarding registration, accommodations, travel, and conference
updates. Presenters and attendees must pay a registration fee of $25.

We look forward to your submissions!


Marion Goldstein
mjg2121 at columbia.edu

Antonios Saravanos
as2374 at columbia.edu
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