[game_edu] High School student needing guidance and encouragement from the Game_Edu community

Ian Schreiber ai864 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 26 22:06:05 EDT 2010

I've written him offering advice if he can tell me what exactly he's looking for
(I felt it was unclear from his message whether he's looking for teammates,
software tools, development advice, or what). If he can answer my question, I'll
answer his :-)

- Ian

From: Sheri Rubin <sheri at designdirectdeliver.com>
To: game_edu at igda.org
Cc: sheri at igda.org; gbellamy at gmail.com
Sent: Sun, September 26, 2010 9:58:11 PM
Subject: Re: [game_edu] High School student needing guidance and encouragement
from the Game_Edu community

If someone can take this on please let us know, thanks!

On 9/26/2010 8:33 PM, Gordon Bellamy wrote:
We received this letter, that the Game_Edu community is the

>appropriate one to answer. Pls help this young student. They can be

>reached @ samwthe3 at yahoo.com Gordon Subject: [General] Game Development Sam

>Weddington sent a message using the contact form at

>https://www.igda.org/contact. Hey! I'm currently a senior in high

>school wanting to compete in the Technology Student Association video

>game design competition. But I have no ideal nor the path of resources

>to obtain to achieve this goal. I tried this goal in my junior year

>with a team and ended up no where due to the unanticipated

>complexities of game development. I need your help in the proper

>materials to obtain, so that I can make this desire an achievement. I

>currently am acquinited with Java, Python; and have thought about

>using Blender. I am the leader of the group and I will have to teach

>my team the languages and tools in about 3 months. The best plan is

>now the only plan to ensure we take first place in nationals. Thanks,

>Sam W.


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Sheri Rubin
Founder and CEO

Design Direct Deliver
Website: http://www.designdirectdeliver.com
Email: sheri at designdirectdeliver.com

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