[game_edu] Qol, "crunch" and Education

Ian Schreiber ai864 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 3 12:33:35 EST 2011

There's a really interesting thread going on at the QoL SIG right now and I
wanted to bring a splinter of that thread over here. So I wanted to bring up the
following for discussion:

First: what kinds of QoL discussions do you have as part of your formal
education of students? For example, I introduce the topic in my Industry Survey
class (the "ea_spouse" letter is required reading, and we discuss the
implications and effects of that letter on the industry as a whole), and I also
regularly remind my students of the sometimes harsh conditions in my other
classes, particularly if a student complains that they didn't have time to
finish an assignment or that they have a lot of demands on them outside of class

Second: is "crunch" or long work hours something that is (or should be) part of
the student experience for someone who wants to break in to industry? On the one
hand, we should be doing our best to simulate real-world working conditions so
that students are appropriately trained and prepared for the reality of the
industry (this also likely makes them more marketable as well, if they have
survived a difficult dev cycle). On the other hand, the industry (particularly
the IGDA) acknowledges that excessive crunch is a problem, and introducing
students to what it is like may make them more likely to perpetuate the problem
rather than solve it (and it doesn't do anything to help the problem of burnout
-- really, are we doing our students any favors if they graduate, get placed in
a job, then leave the industry a few years later?).

What do you all think? How do you actually handle this on a personal
(instructor) level, program level, and institutional level? How do you think
schools SHOULD handle the subject?

- Ian

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