[game_edu] Students and Crunch

Lewis Pulsipher lewpuls at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 08:52:15 EST 2011

Students by nature engage in "crunch mode" with regularity. We certainly
don't need to try to force them to do it! Schools all over the world, in
all kinds of subjects, do things the "wrong" way rather than the way they
tell their students it ought to be done. Forcing crunch on students would
be yet another example of this failure.

The reasons for using crunch mode seem to vary from inefficient working
habits all the way to crunch being built into the schedule as a way to save
money. They need to understand why crunch exists. I particular, students
need to understand that when a lot more people want to do a job than there
are openings, as in the game industry, the employees typically won't be
treated very well.

The following IGDA article from 2005 discusses the well-known findings that
working more than 40 hours a week for extended periods is no more efficient
than working 40 hours a week.


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