[game_edu] Group activity games

Janice Hertel discojanice at yahoo.ca
Fri Mar 18 11:03:22 EDT 2011

It was great attending the Educational Summit at GDC and meeting any of you in person!
I am wondering if anyone has (or can send links to) group game related activities. I have a few lectures and talks coming up and I want to include some audience participation. I'm interested in something that proves the positive power of game play or the impact of educational game play. I have some ideas in mind, I wanted to see what the people on this list could add as well.
Jane McGonigal's Massively Multi-player Thumb Wrestling game comes to mind.
The audiences would be:
1. Grade 8 - 9 Girls interested in a career in technology. A group of about 25 in a classroom.
2. Junior High School students on Career Day. I'm not sure of the number or venue yet.It could be in an auditorium.
3. University and College Instructors during a teacher's conference. All disciplines, not Game Design.
Janice Hertel

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