[game_edu] 2nd CfP for Game Jam at CHI'13

Florian 'Floyd' Mueller floyd at floydmueller.com
Fri Dec 28 03:38:38 EST 2012

2nd Call for Participation
Game Jam at CHI 2013
Paris, France, April 27 – 28 : 9:00am – 6:00pm

Deadline for submissions is January 11th, 2013
Website: http://exertiongameslab.org/workshops-events/chi-2013-game-jam
Contact: alan at exertiongameslab.org

Game Jams – energized, fast-paced get-togethers of developers and artists
to make digital games – have emerged as a way to generate and provoke novel
game ideas. To introduce the HCI community to this collaborative fast-paced
approach to quick results, we will be holding a 2-day Game Jam that focuses
on new physical interfaces. During this hands-on workshop, participants
will collaborate with other researchers and practitioners across the CHI
community to build games with novel physical interfaces. The workshop has
three goals:

- Develop insights into the nature of digital play interactions through
actively designing them
- Develop long-term cross-disciplinary relationships between participants
- Expose participants to the game jam design method

At the end of the workshop, we will share the games developed with the CHI
community to fuel a greater discussion about games, play interaction, and
rapid development methods.

***How to Participate***
Interested individuals should submit an application to
alan at exertiongameslab.org that includes the following:

- Future vision of new games and game interfaces
- A short list of skills and expertise that helps us evaluate potential
matches for good collaborative teams
- A brief bio and portfolio URL that helps other participants to identify
partners to work with.

This application should be no more than 3 pages in total in ACM Extended
Abstract format (http://chi2013.acm.org/authors/format/#extendedformat).

Applicants will be selected based on their vision, experience, and how well
their skills balance the participant pool

Applications must be submitted by 11 January 2013.
Applicants will be notified of acceptance by 01 February
Note: Accepted participants must register for the
workshop and for one day of the conference.

***Workshop Organizers***
Alan Chatham, Exertion Games Lab, RMIT, Australia / HCII, CMU
Florian 'Floyd' Mueller, Exertion Games Lab, RMIT, Australia
Regina Bernhaupt, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Rohit Khot, Exertion Games Lab, RMIT, Australia
Sebastiaan Pijnappel, Exertion Games Lab, RMIT, Australia
Cadgas 'Chad' Toprak, Exertion Games Lab, RMIT, Australia
Menno Deen, Fontys Serious Game Design, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Ben A.M. Schouten, Playful Interactions Institute, Eindhoven, The
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