[game_edu] Books for Business of Games (or Entrepreneurialism in Games) -- on behalf of Monica McGill

Gillian Smith gillian at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Jan 16 13:30:46 EST 2013


I am sending this message on behalf of Monica McGill at Bradley University, who has been having trouble posting to this listserv. [Aside: can someone help Monica out with this?] She can still see messages sent to the list, or you can reply individually to mmcgill at fsmail.bradley.edu



We are in the process of developing a course to meet the criteria proposed in the "Business of Gaming" section of the IGDA Curriculum Framework. (The major components are game industry economics, audience, publisher/developer relationships, intellectual property, patents and the game industry, contracts, and content regulation.)

The course will be taught by an Economics professor whose research covers market impact of games and game consoles. We are also considering adding an entrepreneurial component to the course.

Has anyone used or know of any decent textbooks that might address some or all of the target areas of Business of Gaming? We are most interested in the economics and audience portions, since the others we cover in a variety of other courses.

Any pointers to textbooks for entrepreneurial ventures into the field are also welcome.

Many thanks!


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