[game_edu] New job at UC Santa Cruz (and event reminder)

Noah Wardrip-Fruin nwf at ucsc.edu
Wed May 1 17:01:37 EDT 2013

At UC Santa Cruz we're launching a new professional MS in Games and Playable Media, which will be offered through our Silicon Valley campus and will include working both with our current game faculty and with new personnel hired specifically for the program. The degree is focused on combining technical and design innovation -- and on helping students build the skills and connections they need for what they want to do next.

More information:

We are currently in the selection process for the first position to be hired, the Creative Director. Simultaneously, the job ad is now live for the Program Director. For this newly-opened position we're seeking someone with demonstrated leadership in the games and playable media field. Application review begins May 29, 2013. The job includes program and curriculum vision, planning, management, and evaluation; teaching and advising students in the program; and ongoing professional work and/or research in the games field. Those who have already applied to the Creative Director position are encouraged to also apply for the Program Director position, if appropriate.

Application information:

Also, don't forget that UC Santa Cruz's 2013 "Inventing the Future of Games" symposium is focused on interactive storytelling. It will take place at the Computer History Museum (Mountain View, CA) on May 10th, featuring speakers ranging from groundbreaking game designer Warren Spector to interactive fiction author and system designer Emily Short.

Event information and registration:


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