[game_edu] I could use some help

Warren E Spector warren.spector at austin.utexas.edu
Wed Feb 12 14:42:07 EST 2014

As some of you may know, I'm developing a new games edu program at the University of Texas at Austin. If you're curious, you can learn all about it at:

* moody.utexas.edu/gaming-academy

In short, it's a post-baccaurate certificate program, nine months, 20 students, we're waiving tuition and giving each student a $10K stipend. Our focus will be on game development leadership. I see it as complementary to, not competitive with, most (if not all) of the programs out there already.

I think it'll be something special (though I'm prejudiced) and my big challenge right now is getting the word out. If any of you can help me with that - sharing information about the program with students, specifically, or telling me where I can do that, I'd certainly appreciate it. (FWIW, if anyone's willing to pay my way, I'll trade visits/talks for access to graduating seniors or grad students...)

Also, I'm looking for two folks to teach with me. You can find information about that on my blog:

* warren.spector.wordpress.com

The official job application (without which nothing happens at The University of Texas) can be found at:

* https://utdirect.utexas.edu/apps/hr/jobs/nlogon/140206010442

If you're interested in moving to Austin, Texas to help build a new program, let me know - and apply!

(Finally, I'm more than open to feedback about the program itself!)


Warren Spector
Director, Denius-Sams Gaming Academy
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