[games_access] GataVerse - Accessible online RPG powered by new technology

Matthew T. Atkinson matthew at agrip.org.uk
Mon Aug 22 13:56:27 EDT 2005

At Sight Village 2005 I met the creator of
http://www.daden.co.uk/chatbots/ (check it out after you've read this).
He has written a new implementation of the classic ``fighting fantasy''
style of RPG games.  It is very cool and important because of the
following features:

* It uses new technologies like XML for storing story files and data on
the various aspects of the game -- so it's easy to make new story files
and modify the game.

* It could run on almost any computer system, from PCs to phones (some
work would be required to ``port'' it, but the opportunity is there).
Maybe it could be made to run on the BrailleNote and PacMate...

* It's author is interested in gauging public perception of the current,
development, version and will Open Source it if an in interest is shown.
He's also interested in developing built-in audio features such as
making it self-voicing.

You can try the game online.  Be warned that it is a work-in-progress
and try to think of it in terms of how easy it would be to modify and
what it could be like when it is ``finished''.  The code is a few years
old now, but as it's written in Perl, could quite easily be cleaned up
and brought up-to-date if there is demand.

If you think you'd be interested in either playing games based on this,
or developing them, reply to this thread and I'll pass on the responses
to it's author.

The development version of the game can be found at:

Please let us know what you think!

best regards,

Matthew T. Atkinson <matthew at agrip.org.uk>

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