[games_access] top 3 for indie games, to Kelly

Robert Florio arthit73 at cablespeed.com
Sat Apr 1 13:02:04 EST 2006

"Although I don't know if that's something you're looking for because then 
it's not really a top-3 list anymore ... but my main point is: different 
games need different accessibility features..."

Above is a quote that Richard from audio games I believe said in a reply to you Kelly.  To only limit to three top three accessible features is very difficult each game requires a different adjustable accessible features to make the game play fluid and make sense.  I would definitely agree with that I think Richard is saying.

Making the game intuitive limiting a lot of multifunction controls at the same time so that a lot of functions can be controlled with one switch or reprogrammable buttons so that different actions can be remapped into keys.  That would be my top top one.  Check out our top 10 list also.  I hope it is at our web site know.

I hope this helps.
Robert Florio

www.RobertFlorio.com all about art and video game accessibility
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