[games_access] research squad

Robert Florio arthit73 at cablespeed.com
Sat Apr 8 13:39:38 EDT 2006

Michelle I agree that does have a catchy nice word-of-mouth ring to it.  Reach search squad is a great word and I love how in the Italian interview you mention we are trying to create a rating system and I think like the ESRB they are an organization gamers send their tapes to so they might be paying for the service we truly could create this I think it's needed some sort of company that creates games accessible for everyone to the mainstream systems platforms and also rates the system game would be a great resource company.  I will head toward that in my own efforts just like all of us are but whoever gets there with the most success that's going to be something worth doing I'm so glad we're all working together to get there.

How did they find a picture of your I did the interview you at GDC this year or something?  That is funny.  I didn't know that video games were as popular as this much as this article might suggest from Italy because we were talking with Sander and Richard with my mother as you know we are Italian and they mentioned it wasn't too popular there yet or someone said that maybe my mother.

AI online SGA President

arthit73 at cablespeed.com

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