[games_access] SIG Meetings Starting Soon

d. michelle hinn hinn at uiuc.edu
Thu Aug 31 17:43:59 EDT 2006

That's a cool alternate idea and we're always looking for something 
more stable than MSN can be sometimes but...I have a lot of bad 
experience with SL. I taught a programming with Second Life course 
last year and it caused a lot of problems with servers being down, 
load delays, constant upgrades (sometimes 3 times a day when they 
were doing a patch for an upgrade that went sour) and accessibility 
issues. Another issue was that if you are on a computer from work or 
school that you don't have admin rights to and an upgrade comes 
through, there's nothing you can do but wait for the sys admin to 
load the new version because you can't use SL until the upgrade is 
done. Also, it was REALLY hard to keep people's attention because 
they were so busy changing their outfits, buying trees for the land, 
etc. So I'm really hesitant to use something so resource intensive 
(people and computers!) -- I also cannot run it on my PC at all (only 
my Mac...and only when it feels like it).

That being said, I don't see why we couldn't have an accessibility 
"zone" in SL if someone were willing to lead that project.


>I might have a better way for us to communication with each other. 
>This  semester I am taking a class looking at new forms digital 
>media and we are using a program called Second Life. 
>What Is Second Life?  This from the wed site. 
>"Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its 
>residents. Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grown 
>explosively and today is inhabited by 266,151 people from around the 
>*	From the moment you enter  the World you'll discover a vast 
>digital continent, teeming with people, entertainment, experiences 
>and opportunity. Once you've explored a bit, perhaps you'll find a 
>perfect parcel of land to build your house or business.
>*	You'll also be surrounded by the Creations of your fellow 
>residents. Because residents retain the rights to their digital 
>creations, they can buy, sell and trade with other residents.
>*	The Marketplace currently supports millions of US dollars in 
>monthly transactions. This commerce is handled with the in-world 
>currency, the Linden dollar, which can be converted to US dollars at 
>several thriving online currency exchanges."
>If everyone would join, then form a group and interact with each 
>other and send instance messages to one another.  Since joining SL 
>last week I have met some very nice people that have been a lot of 
>help leaning this program, but you cannot buy land or build 
>something like a house or  own a island on the basic membership 
>level.  If everyone did join at the Premium Level which is only $10 
>monthly, then the group could buy some land and establish our 
>headquarters and educated people about accessible game design!  For 
>me SL have let me do some things that I cannot do in the real world 
>like dance in a club.
>However, I don't know how accessible the program would be for people 
>who are blind because of the 3d graphics use for the program! 
>Go to http://secondlife.com/ for more information.  My name on SL is 
>Tom06 Castro.  If anyone does sign up place give them my SL name! 
>This was only a suggestion. 
>Thank You,
>Tom Roome
>ATEC Teacher Assistant
>The University of Texas at Dallas
>E-mail: thomas.roome at student.utdallas.edu
>From: games_access-bounces at igda.org on behalf of d. michelle hinn
>Sent: Thu 8/31/2006 12:03 AM
>To: IGDA Games Accessibility SIG Mailing List
>Subject: Re: [games_access] SIG Meetings Starting Soon
>Sorry for the confusion -- there was no chat today. I was just 
>trying to get a sense of people's schedules. There will be one next 
>Wednesday however! :) I'll send out a calendar of meeting time.
>	Hi,
>	I missed the chat... what did I miss?
>	Greets,
>	Richard
>		----- Original Message -----
>		From: d. michelle hinn <mailto:hinn at uiuc.edu>
>		To: IGDA Games Accessibility SIG Mailing List 
><mailto:games_access at igda.org>
>		Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 7:34 AM
>		Subject: [games_access] SIG Meetings Starting Soon
>		Hi everyone! Hope everyone is well and for those of 
>you (and me!) in academia...I'm sure your head's spinning like 
>mine...the beginning of the school year always brings new surprises. 
>But I think I have some pretty good classes so they'll be fun to 
>		Anyway, it's time to set up a meeting schedule for 
>the next few months. I'm thinking about staying with the 12:00 pm 
>(noon) NYC time we have had for a while but what days of the week 
>work better for everyone? We had been going with Wednesdays, and 
>that works for me still. Objections? Suggestions?
>		We have plenty to talk about including GDC 2006 
>Accessibility Idol, The Game Accessibility Newsletter/Press Release 
>Project (the one where we tell companies what they are doing right, 
>and more!
>		So let me know if Wednesdays at noon NYC time still 
>work for everyone and I'll start scheduling. And, if wednesday is a 
>probably for the bulk of the "regulars" then we'll work on another 
>day of the week. But don't let that "regulars" word throw you off -- 
>all are welcome!!
>		Thanks,
>		Michelle
>		Chairperson, IGDA Game Accessibility SIG
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