[games_access] Game Accessibility web-site - PC time

Barrie Ellis barrie.ellis at oneswitch.org.uk
Fri Feb 3 08:51:36 EST 2006

Some thing that stands out to me looking at the 
http://www.accessibility.nl/games/index.php?pagefile=games  web-site is the 
terminology. I know a number of disabled people in the UK that would wince 
at the use of the word 'impairment' for the four genres. Instead of...

Gaming with a visual impairment
Gaming with an auditory impairment
Gaming with a motoric impairment
Gaming with a cognitive impairment

the following might be more PC:

Partially sighted and Blind gamers
Deaf gamers
Physically disabled gamers
Learning disabled gamers

I think there'll be a fair bit of bleed between the genres too. Looks a 
really interesting project though.


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