[games_access] GDC: in retrospect

d. michelle hinn hinn at uiuc.edu
Tue Mar 13 17:13:28 EDT 2007

Thanks Barrie -- you always are the calm within the storm :D

I think that this discussion needs to happen in a different way. I 
think it would be great to talk about some "hey maybe we should try 
x, y, z next year" in a way that is not me attacking others and 
others -- whether or not it was meant that way -- attacking me. All I 
ask is that people keep in mind that I put an enormous amount of work 
into GDC and to only hear that we are off track, failing, etc makes 
me think "well, great...I not only put in a year's worth of work into 
it, but I did it in such a way that was a spectacular failure."

We should always talk about improving. But we also need people to put 
action behind their words.


>I think we are having success in the GASIG beyond my expectations. 
>We are getting some international press coverage - we are getting 
>exciting articles published around the web from our members - we 
>have seen accessible games nominated for awards - we have seen 
>Game-Accessibility.com grow into something very useful and important 
>with our help - we have a presence at the biggest gaming event in 
>the world - we have disabled and non-disabled people on board with 
>Maybe we have a mountain to climb, but that's what makes it so 
>appealing to me personally. I know it can be done, but we really 
>shouldn't pick ourselves to bits without celebrating our successes.
>We must keep building.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "d. michelle hinn" <hinn at uiuc.edu>
>To: "IGDA Games Accessibility SIG Mailing List" <games_access at igda.org>
>Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 7:57 PM
>Subject: Re: [games_access] GDC: in retrospect
>>>>>I have outlined a plan (which I dub ACCESSIBILITY 2.0) consisting of 5
>>>>>action points & clear goals that will put this SIG back on 
>>>>>track, make it as
>>>>>successful as other SIGS (education/writing),  increase the attendance at
>>>>>our events, and putting accessibility on the roadmap of game 
>>>>>developers like
>>>>>we set out to.
>>>Oy...wow, that did hurt.
>>Why did that hurt, you ask? Because I've been told by the IGDA that 
>>even though the other SIGs have the numbers, we do more than most 
>>of them. And now I hear from within the SIG that we aren't 
>>successful at all. That's fine but it does hurt.
>>Yes, my ego is getting in the way. I know it is. That's my issue, 
>>not any one else's. I'm still very angry about this year's GDC -- I 
>>have the right just as everyone else does. I put the damn sessions 
>>together a year ago. I've put a year's worth of time and emotion 
>>into this. So yeah, I'm friggin' pissed off that even this year we 
>>did not get a good turn out. But CMP didn't help by having us start 
>>4 out of the 7 sessions late (by 20 minutes) due to not having 
>>things set up as promised. So we lost people before we even 
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