[games_access] Game accessibility survey journal article

Steve Spohn steve at ablegamers.com
Mon Jul 5 19:05:03 EDT 2010

Indeed a good paper.  Here are my thoughts on some issues.


2.5 Game accessibility statistics

''How many people cannot play video games because of a

disability?'' is a key question to investigate because, to the

authors' knowledge, such data has not been determined


Actually 7-128 software and the AbleGamers foundation put out a white paper
on those statistics which can be found at http://www.aging.ablegamers.org 


3.1 Switches


The motor impaired gaming area is something I've largely dealt with, mainly
because I'm a motor impaired gamers who counsels other motor impaired gamers
on how to play.  


The mouth controller shown here is largely outdated and a relic in some
respects.  Someone who has ability left to use a device like this is not
limited to single inputs at one time.  Something like broadened horizons
versatility would be wonderful.  Those who specifically need one-switch
games that utilize the large red button type of switches would be critically
disabled but for the most part, one can adapt many of the switches Barrie
has listed in combination to become a gaming rig of sorts.


Which leads into...


4.3 Directions for research

Game genres: As discussed in Sect. 3, severe motor and

visually impaired players can only play games within a

limited number of game genres. Popular game genres [20]

such as strategy, sports and role playing games are not yet

available to those groups. Unlike hearing impaired players,

severe motor impaired and visually impaired players typically

face critical barriers preventing them from playing the



For a large number of motion impaired gamers strategy and role playing games
are the number one most accessible genre available today.  Strategy games
often have pause features that assist not only motion impaired but the
cognitively disabled as well.  Strategy games are largely accessible
especially in the casual category such as risk.


As for role-playing games, World of Warcraft is one of the most played by
disabled motion impaired gamers title I've seen yet. Ablegamers is a
community of well over 1000 gamers who are primarily comprised of motion
impaired gamers and have often discussed what they play in no relation to us
or anything that we recommend. Most every single motion impaired plays
role-playing games because they are easy and accessible by their nature.


RPGs like Sid Meier's civilization are turn-based and allow as much time as
you need between taking turns.  Games like WoW or EQ can be played with an
input device that only allows two buttons and a directional mover such as
eye or headmice.  


As Eleanor mentioned earlier, it would be more interesting to see statistics
on multiple accessible technology being used in conjunction.  As a large
part of what our organization does is figure out combinations of accessible
technologies that allow for the most input multiple no matter how severe
your disability.


4.3 (Cont.) However, one popular game genre, FPS, has many

accessible games for almost every type of impairment


Although I do not disagree with the statement on the whole, the paragraph
when all put together is slightly misleading.  First person shooters are the
first genre of games taken away from motion impaired gamers, particularly
those with degenerative diseases.  Even then AT can compensate for some


First-person shooters take the absolute most dexterity, timing, and hand eye
coordination among all other video game genres.  


However, that does not mean that with the right combination of accessible
technology that first-person shooters will remain off-limits.  The author
suggests first-person shooters are extremely accessible due to
modifications, but the truth is many disabled gamers who are far more motion
impaired than I am (and I can only use a mouse) play first person shooters
with no modifications whatsoever.  


People like Corey Krull who played video games using a Morse code device to
allow multiple inputs with relatively no muscle control whatsoever.




As a side note, I find one thing disheartening about research papers is that
I have gotten to know several thousand disabled gamers in my multiple year
career fighting for disability, as I'm sure many of you have. Yet, these
type of papers tend to lump gamers into generalized categories that are only
vaguely accurate at best.


The best way to bring true awareness to the cause is to show people the
lengths disabled gamers will go to to play even the most simple casual and
hard-core games.


Steve Spohn

Associate Editor

The AbleGamers Foundation





Find me on Skype!  Username: Steve_Spohn


From: games_access-bounces at igda.org [mailto:games_access-bounces at igda.org]
On Behalf Of Barrie Ellis
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 6:16 PM
To: games_access at igda.org
Subject: Re: [games_access] Game accessibility survey journal article


Just finished reading the Game Accessibility survey. Very good! I found the
bulk of it really smartly explained, with excellent diagrams and tables.
Very useful. Very Nice!

My 10 pence worth...

p7. 3.1.1: One-handed controller typically provides only one analogue
input... Apart from the Wii, the only game console one-handed controllers in
recent production I'm aware of have both analogue sticks available (Access
controller and "one hand controller" -

p8. 3.1.2: OneSwitch.org.uk isn't actually non-profit, although there is
tons of free stuff. Over 100 one-switch games now for free. Thank you for
the mention!


p9. 3.1.3: Frogger - all good points about this game, but might have been
worth mentioning that you can move left and right, when you hop on the
moving logs and turtles.

p14 3.5: Universal design does not indicate that all impairments are
supported, but rather that multiple types of impairments are supported... I
always thought it did, but simply hasn't been managed yet. Doesn't seem to
make sense to me otherwise.

p16: For example, a one-switch racing game does not allow the player to
brake or speed up because certain input options may have been removed to
allow for one-switch
input... Can be done. Using the 4Noah utility and Destruction Derby on a
PSone emulator, at Kit 4 Kidz in Leeds earlier this year, we had tap to
cycle between left-nothing-right-nothing-(and repeat) for steering, and hold
for a couple of seconds then release to cycle between
accelerate-nothing-reverse-nothing-(and repeat). Because Destruction Derby
has helpful barriers all around the track to help keep you on course, plus a
self-righting system if you get spun in the wrong way, it's quite playable
for someone with really accurate one-switch skills. You could also have a
game with auto-braking (e.g. F355 Challenge and Forza 3), and perhaps Mario
Kart style speed ups on the track.


p16 4.3: ...severe motor and visually impaired players can only play games
within a limited number of game genres. Popular game genres [20] such as
strategy, sports and role playing games are not yet available to those
groups. Unlike hearing impaired players, severe motor impaired and visually
impaired players typically face critical barriers preventing them from
playing the game.... I guess it depends upon the degree of visually
impairment, but wonder if some of these would be playable:
http://www.oneswitch.org.uk/2/sd-sport.htm ?

My final thoughts links to the lack of games for cognitively impaired
players. I do agree that it's a complicated area, but when taking into
account learning disabled users, I'm surprised only a handful of games were






am+Resources&pid=161> &pid=161






In my experience, a lot of more severely "learning disabled" people have
reacted well to some one-switch games, or games that use relatively simple
interfaces, such as eye-toy and basic joysticks. Some of course get on
better than I do with complicated games. 










From: "Michelle Hinn" <hinn at uiuc.edu>
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 9:02 PM
To: "IGDA Games Accessibility SIG Mailing List" <games_access at igda.org>
Subject: Re: [games_access] Game accessibility survey journal article

> I've read the article and it is very, very good! Because the permissions
are owned by the journal, he cannot post it online because they (Springer)
are very strict with permissions. But he can send you a copy as he said. :)
Eelke didn't mention it but he's second author on it and although it goes
without saying...the quality is excellent!
> Michelle
> On Jul 4, 2010, at 1:53 PM, Brannon Zahand wrote:
>> Eelke,
>> Can I get a copy as well?
>> Thanks,
>> Brannon
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: games_access-bounces at igda.org
[mailto:games_access-bounces at igda.org] On Behalf Of Kestrell
>> Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2010 7:15 AM
>> To: IGDA Games Accessibility SIG Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [games_access] Game accessibility survey journal article
>> Eelke,
>> May I request an electronic copy of your student's paper on game
>> Thanks!
>> Kestrell
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Eelke Folmer" <eelke.folmer at gmail.com>
>> To: <games_access at igda.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2010 2:13 AM
>> Subject: [games_access] Game accessibility survey journal article
>>> Hi,
>>> For those of you interested in: 1) a comprehensive overview of
>>> academic literature on game accessibility; 2) a synthesis of
>>> strategies used to make games for sensory, motor and cognitive
>>> impairments; and 3) data on how many people in the US are unable or
>>> limited in playing video games per type of impairment, a journal paper
>>> called: "Game Accessibility: a Survey" written by my student Bei Yuan
>>> is available online at:
>>> Email me offline if you would like a copy of this paper and you don't
>>> have access through a university library.
>>> -- 
>>> Best, Eelke
>>> Eelke Folmer
>>> Assistant Professor
>>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering
>>> University of Nevada, Reno
>>> http://www.eelke.com
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