[games_access] timing, sound information (prince of persia

Sandra Uhling sandra_uhling at web.de
Mon Mar 15 11:11:19 EDT 2010


in Prince of Persia sound is very important.
Besides a puzzle that was already mentioned,
there is sound information for a special jump.

There is a jump where you have to jump from one
Wall to another and back ....
This jump is very difficult. It helps to listen
to the sound. There is a "paff" sound when you have to push the key.
Without this sound I would not be able to play it.

Also it would be great to have sometimes "timing-information".
There are some games where it is important to push a key at
a certain moment. Unfortunately you have to be able to get the
timing right, otherwise you cannot win. It would be great to have
a symbol or something counting down 3 2 1 click.
Or to make it very very easy without timing.

While playing I noticed that I want to join the story.
I do not want to be able to make it in a hard difficulty.
I am glad when I can finish it. One Prince of Persia
I was able to finish only 2%.

I am not disabled, but I have lots of difficulties to play such games.
Game Accessibility is more than just thinking about disabled.
It is also for "busy gamer" and "beginner"...

Best regards,

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