[games_access] Universal game design

Dimitris Grammenos gramenos at ics.forth.gr
Fri Oct 21 07:51:36 EDT 2011

Hello Tim,


First of all, as far as I understand "universal GAME design" and
"universally accessible game design" are two semantically different things.


"universal GAME design": Knowledge / guidance about how you can / should
design a game (i.e., has nothing to do with accessibility)


"universally accessible game design": Knowledge / guidance about how you can
ensure that the game you design (maybe following universal GAME design - or
not) is accessible (= can be played) by people with different
characteristics and abilities, including - but not limited to - people with


Unfortunately, I cannot understand what you mean by "slapping a game
experience on education " or "slapping accessibility on a game" and thus I
cannot comment on this, but if you elaborate on it maybe I can provide you
my personal view about it.



In any case, since what you read in
<http://www.ics.forth.gr/hci/ua-games/index_main.php?l=e&c=555> &c=555 is
just a tiny bit of my view and work on the subject, I would suggest that you
have a look at this presentation:

Games_and_Parallel_Game_Universes.pdf (206 slides) PDF format(15MB);


There I elaborate in a step-by-step illustrated approach (with several
examples) on the subjects of Game Accessibility and Universally Accessible
Games , as well as on the related concepts and methods I suggest.



Of course, if you have the time you can also have a look at some of my
related publications: 

<http://www.ics.forth.gr/hci/ua-games/index_main.php?l=e&c=559> &c=559



Best regards,







From: games_access-bounces at igda.org [mailto:games_access-bounces at igda.org]
On Behalf Of Tim Holt
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 7:05 PM
To: Barrie Ellis; IGDA Games Accessibility SIG Mailing List
Subject: Re: [games_access] Universal game design


I almost replied with "Have you read Theory of Fun?" when I read the part
about "universal game design".  


I find it a bit curious that the article doesn't talk that much about
universal game design - and I mean "universal GAME design", not "universally
accessible game design".  Just as slapping a game experience on education
doesn't necessarily create a good game OR educational experience, slapping
accessibility on a game, or a game on an accessibility device or method
doesn't necessarily create a good game OR accessibility experience.  

On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 8:21 AM, Barrie Ellis <oneswitch at gmail.com> wrote:

That would have been my main suggestion. I also don't think it's ever been
achieved, when you take into accout deaf-blind, locked-in users and so on.





From: Ian Hamilton <mailto:i_h at hotmail.com>  

Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 3:28 PM

To: games_access at igda.org 

Subject: [games_access] Universal game design


Hi all


I've been asked to provide some links to explain universal game design, all
that seems to be out there really though is over complicated academic takes
on it, this is the only thing I can find that isn't a nightmare to try and
read: http://www.ics.forth.gr/hci/ua-games/index_main.php?l=e
<http://www.ics.forth.gr/hci/ua-games/index_main.php?l=e&c=555> &c=555


Does anyone else know of anything useful?




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