[games_access] GGJ accessibility challenge

Ian Hamilton i_h at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 29 20:32:16 EST 2012

Game jam is now over, I'm still to hear back properly from the different venues but it looks to have been a great success. 
There has been significant uptake (looks like 15-20 teams taking part just in the UK) and it has been a beautiful thing to see designers and developers in the space of 48 hours go from not having heard of game accessibility to chatting in a matter of fact way about demogrpahics of different types of colour blindness or subtleties of single button control methods, and again fantastic to hear students thoroughly confused about why the mainstream games industry doesnt do this stuff as standard seeing how obvious and straightforward it is. They may be students now, but they're tomorrow's leads and decision makers.
Full info coming later (once everyone has caught up on sleep), together with links to all of the games that have been produced.
Exciting stuff. 		 	   		  
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