[games_access] Accessibility Feedback Tool

Kari Hattner (Hangar 13 Games) Kari.Hattner at hangar13games.com
Tue Mar 21 13:34:07 EDT 2017

Not sure about others, but most of those types of communication tools are blocked in my organization (e.g. Google docs, Slack, online storage like Dropbox, Box, etc.), so for the accessibility tool itself, I think we would need an actual database/website that could be logged into.

For the collaboration of the development of the tool itself, I think Slack or Google Hangouts/Docs would be useful.

From: games_access [mailto:games_access-bounces at igda.org] On Behalf Of Chad Philip Johnson
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 6:57 PM
To: games_access at igda.org
Subject: Re: [games_access] Accessibility Feedback Tool

I was poking around the net tonight looking for a collaboration tool that we could use to start putting some ideas together for the accessibility feedback tool, but couldn't really find much.

A Slack channel would be ideal, but we're going to lose people who prefer to use different services, or who need to sign up for a new service (even if it's free).  Google Docs is the only service I know of where people can participate in a shared workspace without needing a special account.

So we could create a document or spreadsheet serving as a transcript of sorts, share it with the world, and then let people contribute their ideas, but that's going to be clunky and may not go very far.

I do have a special folder in my email where I'm keeping track of everybody's ideas, so it may just be best to post them to the mailing list and go from there.

Chad Philip Johnson

Anacronist Software

On 03/09/2017 07:13 AM, Gemma Thomson wrote:
Hello all,

Further to the SIG roundtable at GDC (and in the sincere hopes I'm not jumping any guns here), I'd like to follow up in regard to the notion of an accessibility feedback tool. For those who weren't present: a few of us got to talking about a feedback form and/or database of accessibility feedback, flowing from game players to game developers and publishers. A few ideas flew around, such as:

*         having said database hosted by this SIG, in the interest of sharing knowledge amongst industry;
*         keeping the tool open for indies and large studios alike by way of an easy deployment tool (examples might include presskit()<http://dopresskit.com/> or distribute()<https://dodistribute.com/>, primarily from Vlambeer)
*         having this start as a relatively small-scale project, not least to ascertain how much work it would actually take to maintain.

As a relative newcomer to the SIG and this mailing list I'm not entirely sure how these things are usually done, but if there's a project team to be made then I'd like to help where I can, and lend some 'indie' input! Perhaps a bunch of us could get together in a Slack channel or something?

Also as I say, I apologise if I've jumped a gun and there are perhaps minutes from the roundtable yet to come.

~ Gemma


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