[Jokes4u] Ben's Bike Ride for Cancer Research

Ben Clay ben at familyclay.org.uk
Fri Jul 13 18:41:53 EDT 2007


In exactly one month I'm cycling from John O'Groats to Lands End to raise money for Cancer Research UK. I invite you to visit http://www.justgiving.com/onebigcycleride and make a donation.


This is an email to everybody in my email address book and you are in (as jokes4u at stocton.org) because I have sent you an email at sometime in my past. If you feel you don't know me or you don't want to donate please accept my apologies for bothering you and delete this email.


Ever since Liz and I cycled from Lands End to John O'Groats in 1990, our son Saul has always wanted to do the same with me. The opportunity has arisen and so both sons (Henry and Saul), a friend of theirs (Ben Davies) and I are undertaking the cycle ride starting on 13th August. We're going top to bottom this time. We're raising money for Cancer Research UK and [the other] Ben has set up a web page at http://www.justgiving.com/onebigcycleride to enable you to donate.

I've set up a page to allow donors to view the intended route and follow our actual progress (www.gadtag.co.uk?filter=OBCR).

Additionally, if you have a facebook account, you can join the donors group and leave a message (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2415533697).

Many thanks for reading this far and (if you have) thanks for donating.


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