[MacLoggerContest] Journalling

John E Bastin jbastin at sssnet.com
Wed Mar 2 22:50:35 EST 2005

On Mar 2, 2005, at 1:46 PM, Jonathan G0DVJ wrote:

> Are we mixing up two meanings of Journalling?

Probably. Perhaps it was a bad choice of words.

> Maybe John mentioned it in the general sense of keeping a journal 
> record of QSO data so that nothing is lost.  i.e. at the application 
> level.  There is also the OSX specific meaning of Journalling which 
> was introduced in Panther and which is a system-wide volume 
> configuration aspect under admin user control at disk set-up time, and 
> not the application.   Not sure if Jack is alluding to this in his 
> posting?

I'm not going into the Mac OS X journaling. I merely desire that the 
software, in some manner, provide ongoing protection against data loss, 
and one common way of addressing this is to write the data continuously 
to a small "journal" file, so that any catastrophe, be it a power 
failure or a program crash, does not result in loss of data. I think 
the reason for the separate file may be that it is small, and so 
read/write access is very fast.

Periodically, it could automatically be flushed to the full log file, 
or the user could be prompted to do so manually.


J o h n   B a s t i n   K8AJS
jbastin at sssnet.com

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