[MacLoggerContest] Contest Panel Question

David Kaplan dhkaplan at mac.com
Wed Feb 11 07:41:47 EST 2009

Hi again,

You are right (of course), and I was a bit confuzzled when I mentioned
persistent between program sessions...
I should have been referring to between Call lookups (even though I DO
know the difference!)

Between CALL lookups the fields I mentioned persist in V4, and
disappear in V5.
Also the Cmd-K does NOT clear them in V4 and does in V5.

That said, upon thinking about it, I agree with 99% of your changes...
lose them all between program sessions is fine since serials change
and so should Rcvd field, but should the Sent field remain between
Call Lookups and Cmd-K usage? I will usually send 59 CT (or whatever).
Let's not discuss the 59 sent in contests in this forum! However,
shouldn't the Sent field remain for the contest?


David, WA1OUI

On Feb 11, 2009, at 05:52 AM, Don Agro wrote:

Hi David,

On 10-02-2009, at 9:37 PM, David Kaplan wrote:

> Hi Don, Just tried b86, and let's see if I can quantify what I saw

> on the contest panel:


> 1) Rcvd, Rcvd sn, Sent sn, Sent fields are not persistent between

> program sessions, while RSTS/RSTR/Power are persistent.

Correct this is also how V4 works.

> Also, Cmd-K clears those fields but does NOT clear RSTS/RSTR/Power

> fields.


> Shouldn't all the fields remain when Cmd-K is used,

What about SN received (string and numeric) ?

Why not clear them - they change with every exchange.
SN sent numeric is often auto incremented so you don't clear that.
That only leaves sn sent string.

> as well as between sessions? It seems that way in version 4.

No V4 does not remember srx or stxstring or numeric between sessions,
just rst s, rst r and power.

73 Don Agro VE3VRW

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