[PAGID] help with patient

Mary Beth Hogan mbhogan at medicine.nevada.edu
Thu Apr 10 15:14:32 EDT 2008


There has been no noted weakness and an MRI showed no myositis. Will
look at anti ds DNA.

Thank you for your suggestions, should you have any other ideas, I will
appreciate hearing them. Best regards, Mary Beth


From: pagid-bounces at list.clinimmsoc.org
[mailto:pagid-bounces at list.clinimmsoc.org] On Behalf Of Chris Seroogy
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 8:47 AM
To: pagid at list.clinimmsoc.org
Subject: Re: [PAGID] help with patient

Mary Beth,

If I understand correctly, her aldolase and CPK are abnormally elevated
and there is a diagnosis of elevated transaminases. Given the rash,
arthritis, skin biopsy findings with this picture, I would be concerned
for juvenile dermatomyositis. Has there been any muscle weakness on
exam? Also, with possible e.nodusum consider sarcoidosis and would
recommend anti-ds DNA despite negative ANA. Regards, Chris

Chris Seroogy, M.D.

University of Wisconsin

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Pediatrics

Mail: H4/474 CSC, Mailstop 4108

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