[PAGID] Follow up on baby with hypogamma and Sweet's

Jack Bleesing Jack.Bleesing at cchmc.org
Mon Apr 27 09:43:31 EDT 2009

Thanks for the update:

Keep an eye for the following author: Mignon L Loh. She is has a paper under review (perhaps in press) regarding a new genetic defect in JMML. One of the patients (could be a couple, as I was peripherally involved) had a nice hybrid disorder of JMML features and PID features, including B-cell abnormalities and inability to clear certain viral infections.



Jack J.H. Bleesing, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Division of Hematology/Oncology
3333 Burnet Avenue, MLC 7015
Cincinnati, OH 45229
513-636-4266 (phone)
513-636-3549 (fax)
Jack.Bleesing at CCHMC.org

>>> "John Ziegler" <John.Ziegler at SESIAHS.HEALTH.NSW.GOV.AU> 4/27/2009 3:09 AM >>>

This is an update on our now six week old boy with agammaglobulinaemia and markedly decreased B-cells who presented with neonatal Sweet's Syndrome, whose details we posted on PAGID a couple of weeks ago. Thank you for your inputs which have helped greatly with directing our investigations.
We have now managed to obtain a bone marrow aspirate (no trephine) and it appears he may have underlying juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia (JMML), but without any associated cytogenetic abnormalities. He continues to have thrombocytopenia with platelet counts of c. 70,000 and an evolving anaemia with Hb falling to 84.
In terms of his B-cells, while the initial report suggested that he may have had c. 1% B-cells in his peripheral blood, subsequent analysis (while on steroids) failed to identify any. This was in keeping with flow cytometry on the bone marrow which demonstrated completely absent B-cells as outlined on the appended report. We are currently awaiting btk mutation analysis.
Following up on the previous concerns about possible partial RAG mutations we looked at T-cell Vb analysis, which demonstrated no abnormalities of the T-cell subsets present. We have also requested chimerism studies to ensure these are not abnormally engrafted maternal cells, and the results of that test are pending. We performed basic T-cell function (PHA), which was absent, however there were problems with the handling of the sample and we are awaiting a repeat. He is not behaving like a SCID to date.
Our thoughts:
Initially we wondered whether this might be btk deficiency however there is now a feeling amongst the involved clinicians that the haematological abnormalities may be primary. Certainly JMML could explain many of the findings effecting liver, spleen, bone marrow and skin (Sweet's has been reported with JMML) and the very large monocytosis at presentation favours this diagnosis. Also, while JMML has not itself been reported as being associated with immune deficiency, it is closely associated, and shares cytogenetic abnormalities (e.g. monosomy 7) with myelodysplastic syndrome, a disease which has been linked to PID.
Kleebsabai Srivannaboon, Mary-Ellen Connolly et al Hypogammaglobulinemia and Reduced Numbers of B-Cells in Children with Myelodysplastic Syndrome.
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Vol. 23, No. 2, February 2001
While our patient is very different from the three patients mentioned in that paper, in particular having a much more severe presentation, we wondered whether our boy had an earlier or more severe "hit" which has caused him to present more severely.
We would be very interested in your further ideas about this intriguing baby.
<<Picture (Enhanced Metafile)>>

Paul Gray and John Ziegler
Department of Immunology & Infectious Diseases
Sydney Children's Hospital
High St., Randwick NSW 2031
T: (02) 93821515
F: + 61 + 2 93821580
E: j.ziegler at unsw.edu.au



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