[PAGID] Neonatal thrombocytopenia, decreased NK cytotoxicity and hepatic dysfunction

Joshi, Avni Y., M.D. Joshi.Avni at mayo.edu
Fri Sep 24 11:09:56 EDT 2010

Hello All,
We are seeking help with an infant with multi system involvement,
thrombocytopenia, anemia and hepatic dysfunction since birth.

This now a 2 month old Hmong baby girl who was born full term but was
found to be jaundiced and thrombocytopenic within 24 hrs of birth.
She has direct hyperbilirubinemia with elevated liver enzymes.
Infectious disease w/up including CMV,EBV,toxo,HSV,syphilis,parvo,HIV,
hepatitis B/C were negative.

Metabolic w/up is also negative with normal newborn screen, normal
pyruvate, plasma amino acids, AFP and bile acid synthesis defects.

She received multiple platelet transfusions with negative platelet
antigen incompatibility (R/O NAIT) and RBC transfusions. Her hepatic
dysfunction has been severe enough with elevated INRs to need multiple
IVIG was tried twice which resulted in significant improvement in her
thrombocytopenia and anemia.

She was transferred to us 10 days ago with abrupt worsening of her
clinical picture with fever ( the first time since birth) with S.pneumo
bacteremia and polymicrobial UTI.

HLH was a possibility but her s-IL alpha is in the normal range.
Her liver Bx shows lymphocytic cholangitis and giant cell hepatitis with
extra medullary hematopoeisis and focal hemophagocytosis.
Bone marrow Bx is essentially non diagnostic.

T and B lymphocyte subsets look normal with normal thymic
output.Perforin and granzyme levels in her NK cells is normal.
Her NK cytotoxicity is low as is the cytotoxicity in her NKT cell
compartment esp. for Gran A.

She has high IgA 190( normal range 7-37), high IgE 402kU/ml.
ALPS screen was negative. Peripheral smear showed some rare evidence of
H J bodies.

Rheumatologic screen after 3 doses of 2gm/kg IVIG revealed only a
positive ANA of 7.0 ( normal </=1.0). LKM, Anti-SMA,MPO, PR3 were all

She has massive hepatomegaly with mild splenomegaly.

She is currently clinical stable after her last dose of IVIG 3 days ago.

We would appreciate any suggestions for further w/up.


Avni Y Joshi, MD, MSc, FAAP
Senior Associate Consultant
Pediatric and Adult Allergy / Immunology
Co-Director,Cellular & Molecular Immunology Laboratory
Pager: 507-293-5387
Secretary: 507-538-0127
Fax: 507-284-0727
E-mail: joshi.avni at mayo.edu
Mayo Clinic
200 First Street SW
Rochester, MN 55905
www.mayoclinic.org <file://www.mayoclinic.org/>

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