[CIS-PAGID] Rituximab and Chronic ITP

John Ziegler j.ziegler at unsw.edu.au
Tue Dec 6 18:43:08 EST 2011

Was CSF cultured for enteroviruses?

-----Original Message-----
From: pagid-bounces at list.clinimmsoc.org [mailto:pagid-bounces at list.clinimmsoc.org] On Behalf Of Rafael Firszt
Sent: Wednesday, 7 December 2011 7:26 AM
To: pagid at list.clinimmsoc.org
Subject: [CIS-PAGID] Rituximab and Chronic ITP

I am seeing a 14 yo boy with a history of chronic ITP and neutropenia who got Rituximab in March of this year. He was just admitted to hospital with encephalitis of unknown cause. Before Rituximab was given he had an IgG of 478. Since being admitted he got a dose of IVIG but no functional studies have ever been done on him. He has no history of other infections.

His Enumeration drawn last week shows:
CD4:CD8 Ratio: ratio * 1.05
% CD19: % * 12
% Natural Killer Cells: * 3 L
% CD3: * 84
% CD2: % 86
Absolute CD4 * 373 L
CD4+CD45RO+ cells * 249
Absolute CD45RA * 112 L
Absolute CD8 * 356
Absolute CD19 * 105
Absolute Natural Killer Cells * 30 L
Absolute CD3 * 747

Therefore he has low NK cells, low CD4 and low CD45RA. It is interesting that his B cell count is normal.

He has ongoing work-up for his encephalitis but ID feels it is most likely virally-induced.

I can't test him for function because of recent IVIG.

With history of ITP, neutropenia, initial low IgG and now encephalitis he likely has a form of CVID (I think).
Based on this history I several questions:

1) Any other investigations? (I have mitogen studies pending)
2) Would you continue IVIG monthly assuming he has CVID or would you stop and re-evaluate his function after several months to confirm the possible CVID
3) In CVID or after rituximab, have any of you seen low NK cells and low CD4 and low CD45RA in either of these situations?

Thanks for any help

Rafael Firszt
University of Utah

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