[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Suspected vaccine-acquired rotavirus infection in X-HIGM

Laia Alsina Manrique de Lara lalsina at hsjdbcn.org
Fri Jan 11 04:53:45 EST 2013

Dear all,

I am attending a 7 month old patient with X-linked hyperIgM syndrome, to whom Rotateq was administered before the diagnosis of PID was made.
He has a protracted watery diarrhoea with recurrent severe dehidration and metabolic acidosis, which is becoming uncontrollable.
We are pending studies for Cryptosporidium, Microsporidium and Rotavirus (vaccine strain).
In case we confirm Cryptosporidium or Microsporidium, any suggestions besides nitazoxanide (100 mgr BID for 14 days)? Would you also combine azithromycin?
In case we confirm a Rotavirus vaccine strain, can anyone suggest any specific treatment?

Thank you in advance,

Dra. Laia Alsina
Sección de Alergia e Inmunología Clínica
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
Passeig Sant Joan de Déu nº2
08950 Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona
+34932804000 ext 3330
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