[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] recalcitrant warts in PLE s/p Fontan

Perez, Elena Elizabeth e.perez13 at med.miami.edu
Wed Mar 25 22:17:59 EDT 2015

Dear colleagues,

I met a 16yo male patient last week with PLE s/p Fontan (followed at CHOP), who does not really get sick with recurrent infections but has had a chronic problem with recalcitrant warts all over his hands and fingers (very impressive physical exam). 

Traditional therapies have not worked per dermatology. Local dermatologists are looking into using intralesional bleomycin and laser therapy or imiquimod. From what I read the bleomycin treatment can be pretty effective but painful and not without side effects (Dobson 2014 and Pollack 2002).

I'm sure this topic has been covered before, so I apologize if too much "repeat"... 

In any case, wondering what the collective experience is in our immunodeficiency patients with intralesional bleomycin and laser vs. imiquimod, how effective, and whether any worrisome side effects have been noted in our populations...? or other alternatives?

[He has a h/o entocort use for PLE during a clinical study and then again later. He has adrenal issues followed by endocrine. Latest WBC, and ALC a 2 years ago was around 420. I don't yet have T cell function or antibody results].

(he is due for follow up at CHOP this summer but if I can help in the meantime, willing to do so)...

Elena Perez
Univ of Miami
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