[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] recurrent Enterovirus meningitis

Leiding, Jennifer jleiding at health.usf.edu
Wed Apr 22 11:50:27 EDT 2015

Hi all:

We are following an 11yo little girl who has had enterovirus meningitis twice with symptoms of headache, photophobia, nausea and emesis. The first episode was at age 9 and once last year. She also had 2 episodes of similar symptoms at age 3 and 6 but a lumbar puncture was never performed. She is growing well and is developmentally normal. Other infections have included pneumonia that was CXR documented 2 times treated with oral antibiotics and several episodes of otitis media. Her immune evaluation has included normal immunoglobulins, normal vaccine responses to diptheria, tetanus, and pneumococcus, and normal CH50, NK cell functional analysis, and lymphocyte subset analysis. T cell proliferative studies normal other than low response to Candida.

MRI of the spine was performed in the last year due to low back pain and was normal.

Any ideas about further evaluation?

Jennifer Leiding

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