[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Quick question

Verbsky, James jverbsky at mcw.edu
Wed Jun 3 01:20:36 EDT 2015

WE recently had a 6 month old male with seizures, fevers, inability to move his lower extremities and high inflammatory markers, and physical developmental delay.  Brain circumference was increasing rapidly.  Went to meningeal biopsy.  Found to have sterile, neutrophilic meningitis, non specific muscle and joint effusions.  Extensive infectious workup.  The surgeon said it was a rind of gelatinous material which the pathologist said was purely neutrophilic…but no organisms ever found.

Treated empirically with anakinra…all symptoms resolved quickly…kept on anakinra for several months…with resolution of all symptoms and inflammatory marker..weaned him off and nothing has recurred.

WES non revealing for auto inflammatory disorders or CARD mutations.

Anyone ever see this???  Is this a new entity or just an aberrant reaction to some virus?  Any other thoughts.  Meningeal sweets syndrome?

Thanks…currently doing great so am not doing anything but just wondering if I missed something..or perhaps a new disorder that someone has seen and just needs another case?


James Verbsky MD/PhD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Departments of Pediatrics and Microbiology
Medical Director, Clinical Immunology Research Laboratory
Medical Director, Clinical and Translational Research
Medical College of Wisconsin/Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI  53226

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