[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] hypogam and abetalipoproteinemia

Cooper, Megan Cooper_M at kids.wustl.edu
Wed Jul 1 14:49:03 EDT 2015

Hi all,

Has anyone had patients with abetalipoproteinemia and hypogam?

I have a 12 mo patient with this disorder (near-absent serum lipids), who had a low IgG @ 7 months (174 mg/dL) but very robust vaccine response (S. pneumo, Hib, tetanus) and normal IgA/M.  He returns now at 12 months without infections, but with continued low IgG (144) and now low IgA (7) and IgM (9).  T/B cell counts are normal.  Fecal protein was negative.

IgG <150 with dropping A/M is starting to concern me for something beyond transient hypogam, and I'm considering the need for IVIG.  I found a case report of siblings with MTTP mutations causing abetalipoproteinemia with hypogam requiring IVIG:  Pons et al, Human Mutation, 32: 751-9, 2011, but no other case reports of this association.  This pt's MTTP genetic testing is pending.



Megan A. Cooper, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Division of Rheumatology
Washington University School of Medicine
Cooper_m at kids.wustl.edu<mailto:Cooper_m at kids.wustl.edu>
Lab website: http://research.peds.wustl.edu/Default.aspx?alias=research.peds.wustl.edu/Labs/Cooper_M

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