[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Potential Cancer Risk to CVID Radiation Therapist

Michael Blaese mblaese at comcast.net
Wed Jul 15 16:15:18 EDT 2015

Hi Colleagues,  

The IDF received an inquiry from a 50 y/o female newly diagnosed with CVID.
Her question relates to the potential interaction between her profession of
30 yrs as a radiation oncology therapist and the increased risk of
malignancy seen in CVID.  She asks if we have any idea of the potential
increased risk that she is taking in her current position and if she should
consider a change of professional fields?

I can find no data that is particularly helpful in answering the question
and would appreciate learning of your experience and potential
recommendations to this individual who now faces a difficult career

Thanks for your help

R. Michael Blaese, M.D.
Medical Advisor
Immune Deficiency Foundation

Email   mblaese at primaryimmune.org
Mobile phone   443-220-2067

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