[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Patient Needs IVIg in Paris

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Thu Dec 10 11:43:58 EST 2015

I have a patient (24 y/o F) who was just started on IVIg for specific
antibody deficiency (no response to pneumoVax and recurrent sinopulmonary
infections) and is going to Paris to be an au pair for 6 months starting in
January.  She will be staying in Rueil Malmaison.

She has private insurance (Blue Cross PPO).

Any suggestion where she could be seen and how to get her IVIg while in

Jonathan Tam, MD

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

Division of Clinical Immunology & Allergy

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

4650 Sunset Blvd, MS#75

Los Angeles, CA 90027

jstam at chla.usc.edu

Phone: 323.361.2501

Fax: 323.361.1191

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