[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] question - advanced practice nurses

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Fri Dec 11 11:22:13 EST 2015

Professors and colleagues:

I am hoping that you would be able to indulge a small random request.  My section needs some information regarding the role of advanced practice nurses (APNs) in clinical practice.  This information is to be used for our negotiations with a community hospital which we are covering.  Our questions are listed below.

Please forward your answers to me (karl.yu at uchospitals.edu) or Jenn Burns (jburns at peds.bsd.uchicago.edu).  Thank you.

 -  Karl

Karl O. A. Yu, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.A.P.
Instructor, Department of Pediatrics (Infectious Diseases) 
University of Chicago
5841 S Maryland Ave, MC 6054, Chicago IL 60637
Pager:  773-702-6800   x1744
Fax:  773-702-1196
Lab phone (Bubeck Wardenburg lab): 773-834-6976


1.  Do have an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) who practices independently in a subspecialty (e.g., Infectious Diseases, Allergy/Immunology, etc.) at your hospital?  Do they practice outpatient, or inpatient, or both?

2.  Do they perform initial consults independently?

3.  Do they only do follow up consultations?

If you would not like to answer these questions in a public forum, please email me at jburns at peds.bsd.uchicago.edu   Thank you.

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Thank you
University of Chicago Medicine and Biological Sciences 

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