[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Survey re mental health disorders in caregivers of children with PID

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Sun Mar 27 10:32:46 EDT 2016

Dear colleagues,

We are conducting a survey with the IDF of providers who take care of children with primary immunodeficiencies, to gauge our opinions about mental health disorders (most notable depression) in the caregivers of children with PID.  We would be most grateful for your participation in this short survey. Please see below for the description and link.

To those of you who have already seen and done this survey, thank you so much, and my apologies for the spam.

Best regards,
Mike Keller
Children's National


On behalf of the Departments of Pediatric Allergy/Immunology and Psychology at Children's National Medical Center and the Immune Deficiency Foundation, we would be most grateful for your participation in a brief research survey to assess providers' perceptions regarding mental health screening for caregivers of patients with primary immunodeficiencies.

This survey is aimed at physicians of any specialty who take care of patients with primary immunodeficiency disorders.

Please click the link below to participate in this survey.
Your participation is voluntary and involves the completion of a short survey, which should take 5-10 minutes. Your consent is implied by completing the survey. Your participation in this research study can stop at any time, and you may skip any survey questions that you do not feel comfortable answering. There is minimal risk to completing this study, and your responses are recorded anonymously. This study has been approved by Children’s National Health System’s IRB (study # Pro00007102).
Thank you for your participation and feel free to contact us with question at ampage at childrensnational.org<mailto:ampage at childrensnational.org>.

Amanda Page MD, Linda Herbert PhD, Michael Keller MD
Division of Allergy & Immunology, Children's National Medical Center

Christopher Scalchunes & Tiffany Henderson
Immune Deficiency Foundation

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