[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Skeeter Syndrome

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Mon May 9 17:23:51 EDT 2016

Dear Colleagues

This is my inaugural posting to the PIDD list server! I see that many of you have allergy practices as well as PIDD interest. I have not done allergy but have combined clinical immunology with  rheumatology.

Skeeter Syndrome is an allergy to mosquito saliva. It can present with extreme swelling, itching, blistering, infection, fever and in some cases anaphylactic shock, asthma and cellulitis.
Mosquito Bite Allergy | Skeeter Syndrome |Skeeter ...<http://www.skeetersyndrome.net/>

I have a question about an entity which is called Skeeter syndrome in the North America and is an unusual response to insect  bites, most commonly mosquitoes.

Do you acknowledge the existence of this entity?

Is this just one end of the spectrum of insect allergy or is there a different pathogenesis .....and treatment?

Peter B. Dent MD, FRCPC
Professor, Pediatrics, McMaster University
Division of Rheumatology & Immunology
McMaster Childrens' Hospital
1280 Main St W. L8S 4K1
Phone:  905-521-2100 ext 75382
FAX: 905-521-4968
E-mail: dentpb at mcmaster.ca

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